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Hey all!
I really need to apologize for not being to active here of late.
I have NO buffer. SO my time is spent making sure I don’t miss the update schedule.
After this chapter is over…I’ll work on a new buffer and be talking to you all as much as I used to. I promise.
Please don’t forget that my buddy Kevin’s tv show pilot is tonight on the Discovery Channel.
He’s a dear friend of mine…so please…even if you don’t want to watch the show…Turn the TV on that channel for tha time.
Or DVR it. And tell your friends.
Any little bit helps.
Also…I did another Livestream yesterday.
So if you’d like to see how today’s page was made (with YOUR help) take a look.
I’ll hopefully do another Livestream in the morning again.
I’ll notify everyone via Twitter and Facebook.
Why is Nastajia holding her bow? Just wondering…
Because she doesn’t have a nifty magnetic holster like Alex does for his Sword.
Ah, yes, the Rock Giants. This reminds me of last chapter or so ago when Paddington was talking to Kiwi about his family and said they used to live near Aethos.
This brings up an interesting (in my mind, at least) question: Is Paddington’s father Paddington Rumblebottom the Second, or Paddington Rumblebottom, Jr.?
I would rather like to watch “Monster Tracker” but it appear’s to have absconded from the discovery channel schedual over here in Australia. Would anyone happen to know of any alternative locals where i might be able to stream the show (Other than Youtube of course).
Kevin’s show isn’t on the schedule for Europe either. But, there will be HD copies floating around on the internet in a day or two, and there might even be a few streaming sites available.
Nastajia’s bow seems… weird. It looks like she can’t really pull the string back much.
And yay, rock giants 😀
more importantly, her bow looks like recurve (or maybe reflex) bow. now such bows were usually kept unstrung and strung only immediately before the battle. so — what is N. preparing for?
on the other hand, i might just be assigning to much to s.c.s.’s artistic license.
re bow: it didn’t use to — see the fight with pirate captain from the beginning of july, 2006
so paddington is going home for a while… makes me wonder if he has embarrassing family members there. 😀 (gods, I’m so mean)
and gotta love paddington’s pose in the first panel. 🙂
Alright! Rock Giants! I wonder if they all can dance…? Or if they’re all so friendly… ? The next chapter might be my favorite of the book!
Yup! looking at how big he is “when he is crouching” and I suppose he’s still young… OMG they’re gonna feel soooooo dwarfed! No wait… sooooo “gnomed”! I just can’t wait.
But hey, they were plotting in his abscence? And they told Alex he was EARLY? how mean. It’s like they’re implying “Hey, Stupid is living his life IRL, let’s take the time to do all the smart stuff before he comes back and messes it up!”
It’s just really mean!
Orion looks like a toy in these panels =/ Something about the shine.
wow – Felicity looks great! Welcome back to the action!
Good Morning all!
So…the bow looks like it’s pulled back?
I’ll check it out. Thanks.
Well, Monster Tracker doesn’t really look like my kind of show, but I went ahead and scheduled it to record anyway. Who knows? I may like it …
IMHO, the bow looks fine, though a bit overlarge for her.
Definitely looking forward to the Rock Giants. I have this vague feeling that Paddington has some unresolved family issues that are going to come up, but that may just be me …
Anyway, great comic as always, Scott!

I looked at the bow again, and feel I should expound on my statement.
Given the current size and curvature of the bow, Rhynn has a good point: with the length of her arms, she couldn’t pull it back much beyond where it already is. The curve would be right for a smaller bow (like a Mongol style horsebow, for instance). The easiest fix for a longbow type bow would be to make it straighter looking, so she would have more room to pull it back (and still get the recurve benefits).
I agree with TekServer on the bow.
Looking forward to Rock Giants! And happy to see Paddington back! He’s my favorite. 🙂
She knows that the Nightmare Realm could strike any minute.
Glad to see Felicity back on her feet. Haven’t been around much myself as I’m recovering from knee surgery and moving into a new apartment. Not a good combination, do not attempt if you’re sane. While I agree that Paddington may have some unresolved issues with his family, I’m more interested to see what happens to Alex once he gets to this tablet. It’s not going to be as easy as get there, read it, get back. Especially because I’m not sure who, other than Kiwi, could accompany him.
Cause it looks cool… and they’re all about looking good!
I agree… Orion looks extra shiney. Maybe he exfoliated and used some expensive cream to get rid of that rough weathered skin look?
good morning!
but the bow wouldn’t look as cool if it were straight.. or smaller!
Felicity looks as sassy as ever. 🙂 So fly, Alex, fly, I’m dying to know what the heck is on the tablet?
Actually, I believe it’s been established that any Dreamland companion (in numbers up to two, at least, that we’ve seen) is granted the ability to fly when in the company of a flying human.
Very true.
Also, as I recall the bow shoots arrows of light, so technically the amount of draw possible may not make much difference.
Magic often trumps physics …
Yeah, in real life, keeping a bow strung like that would damage it, but who knows. Maybe it is a magic bow
The glow from the fire is so cool! I wanna see them all fly ^^.
Now you’re talking like a fantasy comic reader, Tek. And, you are correct, considering the whole concept of magic defies physics. 😉
Can’t wait to see the entire company fly. One advantage to Alex’s renewed skill in this area- now the whole company can fly to the Rock Valley, allowing them to get there very quickly- and possibly ahead of Nicodemus. BTW, what has that nasty dragon been up to all this time? I have a feeling we’ll be finding out soon enough….
Remember that this is Dreamland, and normal rules of physics/wear/etc. don’t apply. Think about how things work in your dreams and that’s what the denizens live with every day.
Who knows? Maybe we’ll meet him!
It is kind of a non-sensical response from Orion. Scott has already established that the amount of time that elapses in Dreamland can vary widely from the time Alex is awake. Sometimes it is less than a second, sometimes it can be days. Whatever is convenient for the story. I guess Alex has been predictable of late.
Yes, I know, that last bit sounded like a knock on Alex again. But it’s sooooooo easy! 🙂
I’m glad that SOMEONE else picked up on Felicity being on set with the other characters, and looking pretty chipper for sure!
Well, we don’t really know what kind of a hurtin’ the dwarves put on Nico, so his absence may easily be explained as recuperation. Besides, time moves slower in Dreamland than in real live, and how much time has actually passed for Alex in the Dreamland State?
Not to harp too much about it, but peeps, TDC needs your support over at the Voting Gateway:
To put it in proper perspective, TDC is 6th in ranking when it comes to fans that have marked it as a favorite, but it is currently sitting in the 17th ranking overall.
If you are registered at TopWebComics, (and if not, then why not?) and you have TDC in your list of favorites, it is extremely easy to cast a vote for TDChronicles. Why not let Scott know how much you appreciate all that he puts into this comic, and help propel TDC back into the top ten. It won’t happen overnight, but it can achieved if we are all persistent.
Especially in light of the fact that when Scott put up just one week of special incentives (the letters), the DC shot up to number one…
I wouldn’t necessarily say that. Magic can defy physics, but doesn’t always, automatically, do so. I’ve always felt that magic is at its most believable and most fun when it it actually works within the framework of the laws of physics (or at least bends more laws than it breaks), though the onlooker may not necessarily understand the physics at work.
“Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.”
– Clarke’s Third Law
I agree. Dreamland deserves the Top 10 with or without voting incentives..
I’m glad I noticed your advert for your friend’s show, it was very interesting! Glad you told us. XD
same here ^^ I’d love to meet the other rock giants! 😀
Bows are normally some type of wood. Some modern bows are fiberglass or composite graphite. None would attach to a magnet.
In the battle with the Kracken, Nastajia fires 6 “Arrows”. The lead arrow is less than 2 meters from the tail arrow. If they are flying at around 100 meter/second then Nastajia’s bow has a rate of fire over 18,000 rpm (rounds per minute). That is about three times the rate of fire of the m61 vulcan cannons used on F15 and F22 interceptor aircraft.
Bows were strung right before battle because they can lose tension if they get wet. Look up the battle of Crecy for an example of epic fail trying to use wet crossbows uphill. Nastajia’s bow appears to function fine after several hours swimming in seawater. I imagine Nastajia would have been very popular with the 14th century English army.
Psycho CHicken!!!
I think this is the first time since August 2008 that we’ve seen Felicity standing on her own.