World of Warcraft with my wife…
So…still not finding any friends yet here in Tennessee…our nights have been pretty much consumed with reruns of old tv shows and such.
I thought it’d be fun to see if my wife (who does NOT play video games) would like to try WOW.
She was skeptical of course. But we were bored.
We downloaded the 10 day trial for both of us (I haven’t played in a while)
She created a night elf. So I did too.
We joined the Sisters of Elune server. A nice low traffic RPG server.
She’s a hunter…I’m a warrior.
I figure I can take the brunt of the beatings while she figures out the game.
After 10 days…our trial was over.
She’d reached level 10 and as she put it “Kicks major butt!”
So I asked her if she’d like to continue to play. She thought about it for a second…then said…”I know it sounds nerdy but…yeah!”
So yesterday we picked up a copy of WOW at the store and we’re playing together.
I’m showing her the ropes of the auction house and adding talents and such.
She’s now a level 11 and can have a pet. She’s very excited.
After 15 years of marriage…you think you knkow someone. But I’d NEVER thought she’d play a video game like this with me.
My wife is a nerd now.
And I love her for it.
Hehe.. I went through the same thing with my husband. He never thought he’d like WoW until I introduced it to him. Then he beat me to lvl 40 and I was a little sad about it.. But I’m so glad I got him into it. ^.^
My wife and I play together on WoW when time permits. (Alas, not so much of late)
It’s great on many levels, not least of which running through quests is so much easier when you’re in a group.
Just watch out – it can get a little contentious when one or other of you has a class quest to run… and make sure you each set aside time for levelling your professions!
That’s hilarious. Good for the both of you!
But really, I feel like everyone loves games. Even those who deny it. Once they’ve found something that they like and they got the chance to go at it, they do get into it.
LMAO That’s sweet man! My girlfriend is a game nut, and eventually, I’m sure she’ll persuade me into playing the game vault collection in which she has. Right now, I’m a SOCOM fan more than anything.
It is satisfying when you get that chance to do something together tho. I can relate as everyone else has here.
I’m glad you got her into it as well man! What character is she anyways? And you for that matter? lol
Heh, my wife and I have been playing together since shortly after launch. We’re both raiders and officers in our guild these days, which is pretty entertaining.
lol WOW is lot of fun. I play it myself when collage classes are over and theres no work left to do. Lets me unwind. I have a lv 60 (almost 61) Night Elf Hunter. ^^
By the eay tell her to make sure none of her hunter pets know the skill ‘cower’. It drops agro on the pet and sends the mob for you instead ^^; Not good.
Just cause I can, and I like to aid players
List of all the hunter pets, where they are, what they eat, and what skills they have.
Guide to fishing, boosting fishing, what fish to catch for what. Good for the both of you.
For the quests that you just can’t make any heads or tails out of (and there are a lot that make you go “Where the *beep* is this?”). Will tell you where to go if needed.
Add on’s that do this that and another. Recommend something to give map cords to locations. Most players go by coordinates and will direct others by such, so it’s almost a must need in game.
Need anymore advice from a seasoned player? ^.-
Hehe, of all the coincidences…While I haven’t really played the character in months, I do have a level 40 Draenei Shaman on that very same server. It was actually my very first WoW character. Olyphia, if you ever want someone else to do stuff with. I mostly play on another server as Horde, but only because I really didn’t know anyone on that server. Which always helps a ton
That’s cool! Something similar happened with me and my mom. She had never played any pc games other than Solitaire. I convinced her to do a 2 week trial of a game called City of Heroes just for fun, never expecting her to really play it much longer than that. That was almost three years ago, and she still plays all the time. In fact, she even met her boyfriend through the game.
I have myself a lvl 70 shaman
on the Al’Akir server ^^
I even play through college … oke not addicted or something but just to keep me away from boring teachers ^^
well have fun on the server ^^ maybe I’ll stop by and say hi xD
My gf nags at me for not playing enough sometimes… am i too lucky?
shes got 2 full epic 70s and i “only” got one. Plus she’s one of the guildleaders in the guild whos furthest into progress in our server.
im so happy <3
Have you read CtrlAltDel lately?
They have had a minor story with the same theme, games bringing a couple together (although their story is more much dramatic and more unlikely ;))
Thank you all!
I love all of your advice and anecdotes.
Donna is playing a character named Cireyna and I’m playing as Ashenheart.
So where in Tennessee are you good folks located? I’m over in Murfreesboro (theoretically) attending university and dispatching. Perhaps it was before I began visiting the site (amazing comic by the way!), but I didn’t realize you lived here.
Not to be the only negative voice here, but a word of warning about WoW before you really get into it.
WoW plays at a very basic human need, which is the need to find new things to achieve in order to complete your character. And while in essence there is nothing wrong with that, the things you achieve in WoW usually will only bring you “completion” for a very limited time.
Doesn’t mean it’s not still a great game. I would be lying if I said that I didn’t have tons of fun with it, especially while leveling up when everything was just a new thing to explore. All I’m saying is, just beware the timesink.
I don’t really like Wow. I prefer to play Guild Wars, although I can’t convince my father to play it. Besides, one can play GW without a monthly fee, which I think is a waste of money.
But don’t get me wrong, if you likw Wow, good for you. Maybe I was just hipnotized by the GW community (you won’t believe how much hatred there is amongst gw players to Wow).
But yeah, congratulations for finding a game both your wife and you like to play.
BTW, I love your comics.
Heh, funny how that works. I used to get into trouble from the SO because I’d come to bed late, or would spend ages doing stuff on WoW. Then she started playing too, now we play together, and it’s a lot easier both in terms of questing, and gaining faction with the SO
Where in Tennessee do you all live? I’m in Knoxville. Woo East Tennesssee. I didn’t realize that you lived in this state.
The guys at my hubby’s job got him into WOW. And he got me into it. We now have between us a hunter(my 1st), warrior(his 1st), mage, palidan(holy spec), warlock and rogue. We call it the family. we are altaholics.
This is something we can do together without leaving the house(haha).
have fun!!
This made me really smile, more than your comics usually do.
I actually met my husband through WoW. I know, I know, that kinda sets us up to dorkdom forever but we love it. He’s in Iraq serving right now so he can’t really keep a good enough connection for us to play but he plays vicariously through me and my 70 undead mage.
Have fun teaching your wife! And if you ever want to swap to a PvP server and play some horde, drop me a line! We’ll help you jump through the door. PvP is much more fun when you have some lvl 70 friends. hehe.
Pandara-70 ud mage- Darkspear
and waaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyy too many alts.
I’m right there with your wife, my husband finally convinced me to play Halo2 with him and I’ve been having a blast. It’s not much fun without him, but together we’ve saved the world and now we’re looking for more games to play together.
I play on Shadow Council server Horde side. It’s a RP server as well and I’ve found so many cool people here that I’ll probably never go on another server unless I have to.
If you ever decide to make a Horde alt, just come over to Shadow Council and look me up. I might be on one of my alts, but my main is Senoj, level 70 warrior. Hope you have fun and some great adventures. I know I have.
My fiancee and I have been playing MMO’s for a while, ever since Final Fantasy 11 came out. We’ve moved on through a few others in the years since (including WOW, which we just couldn’t really get into), and are now totally wrapped up in Lord of the Rings Online. The time spent online together is something be both look forward to in our busy schedules (Law & IT) and is really priceless.
Congrats on discovering a great shared interest, and thank you for a wonderful comic!
While not WoW, my wife and I play City of Heroes together. We each have our own account and now our daughter (9 years old) has her own, too! I got her started/hooked when I was playing on a friends account. I’ve since bought that account and have been playing since beta testing. We also hooked up with a group online and play with them whenever we can.
Anyway, enjoy being able to spend time and do something together!!
My spouse got me hooked on MMO’s while I was recovering from Pnemonia and WoW has been one of the few things keeping me sane with mindless repitition while dealing with problems I Am a Dwarf Hunter and my spouse is a Human Warlock on Malfurion.
Mm, WoW is nice.. I play on Anub’arak on a troll shaman ^_^
Warriors are great fun, but your wife will definitely grow to love her hunter
It’s a different game for each side, race and class. Also I love the two new areas made for the dre’ and b’elfs in the Burning Crusade expansion. Like adding two whole new games.
I also love to do tradeskills. I’m stupidly fanatical about it. I always have five or more alternate characters on any serve I play on.
You know, if you like to play board games too, there’s this medium-crowd board gaming event every night at the Berry Hill (small district of Nashville) community center twice a month. Just throwin’ that out there.
Edit to above: Not every night, oops. Every other Wednesday night.
Hurrah for awesome webcomicers living in Tennessee! (As, you know, I live there too, in the Nashville region.) Anyway, I love your comic; it’s engaging, the characters are a joy to watch and the artwork is simply stunning.
Okay, now I’m going back into lurk/non-outspoken-online-fan (but not stalker!) mode. ^_^
I also met my husband years ago in another MMO, celebrated our 4th wedding anniversary this year. We play WoW now, not as often as we used to because we also have kids now but it’s still fun to play together. Geeks for Life! ~ T
Recently moved to Desoto County, MS, so I feel your friend problem. I actually started playing WoW to have something I could do with my brother, who lives in Arizona. Wife hasn’t shown a lasting interest, though she may come around. I enjoy the comic.
I’ve played WoW since initial launch and currently have 28 toons (across about 8 servers). It wasn’t until this year, though, that I FINALLY got the wife to agree to TRY it. She’s been hooked ever since.
The best (and worst) thing about having a spouse that plays (and enjoys) the game is, they better understand “I can’t do that right now – I’m in an instance run”; however, they can now use that one on you as well.