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Hi all!
So, I’d like to introduce you to Catherine Holt!
Catherine has graciously offered to come in and help out with the environments since Stefano’s departure.
The elevator is her first environment we’ve done together…and I couldn’t be happier.
Catherine (I found out) has been a reader for 6 years now. She just graduated college.
This means, she was reading Dreamland when she was a Jr. in High School…and is now working on the actual books with me.
I feel both very flattered…and very old.
You can check out more of Catherine’s work here.
And, of course here in the comic.
Please give her a welcome (and a thank you for helping me out).
Welcome, Catherine! It looks amazing!
Welcome, Catherine! You have a very professional looking website and portfolio. Glad to see that it can be applied here, and glad that you have the opportunity to add TDC to your portfolio as well!
Welcome again, and it’s always great to see a fellow designer land a great job like this one 🙂
welcome Catherine! Nice work! Look forward to seeing more from you!
Also lucky you to be able to work on something after being a fan for so long. Dream job ahoy!
“The world can be saved by STEAM!!”
Welcome Catherine! I wish you a great time working on Dreamland, that elevator sure looks awesome!
Crap, now I am feeling old. You youngsters with your fancy consoles and all that! We had only amiga and NES and Sega Saturn. And never forget all those pong clones, my god they were horrific in a culitsh kind of way. Oh, and no internet. Or 3D tec. AND I AM STILL WAITING FOR MY FLYING CAR AND HOVER SKATE!
So Catharine’s first contribution to The Dreamland Chronicles legacy is a Steampunk Egyptian Elevator.
Clearly, this will be a fruitful partnership. And awesome. Don’t forget awesome.
Hi Catherine 🙂 *waves*
Thank you Catherine! Great job!!
A big welcome to Catherine and hope she’ll work out!
Welcome, Catherine. Nice elevator.
Thanks for the welcome guys! 😀
The island started out looking so small. Paddy looks positively tiny standing in that immense steam elevator.
I agree with everyone here. That elevator looks wonderful! Great work Catherine! I can’t wait to see what she comes up with next.
Yeah, what Goody said. Love the elegance and grandness of scale on that elevator. Beautiful work, Catherine!
Nice start Catherine. The elevator would need a lot of steam to lift rumblebottom!
Welcome Catherine!
welcome catherine. You young wipper snapper (in old lady voice);-)
its full of hot air. 😛
I ment :'(
Not to comicbook geeks. 🙂
Wow, that’s an IMPRESSIVE elevator. They do things BIG there! Which is good because they’ve got Paddington to accommodate…
I note Felicity is apparently still off being worshiped. I’m sure she’ll deal with this in her normal, levelheaded way.
God help us all. 🙁
I’ll second that!
Welcome Catherine! 🙂 Love the elevator…and I loved your Olympic design on your site, too!!
Yeah, they finish their meeting, then find her in the main temple, surrounded by worshipers, giving orders for a giant statue of herself to be built, or something.
Alex: So *that’s* why it feels hot in here!
No! Beans! The world will be saved by beans!
(not TOO obscure to us old guys……I can just see Jeremy, Ichi, and Asrial ending up in dreamland…..and the hijinks that would ensue…..)
Flying cars exist. But they are not yet being manufactured on a large scale.
Hover boards though. And wireless electricity for all gadgets – YES PLEASE!
Terrafugia Transition. Link to article+photo:
Link to VIDEO of it actually FLYING:
Great job Catherine, welcome!
I hope Paddington’s weight, elevated to the top of the island, doesn’t make it tip over…! ;-D
I don’t think we’ll ever be ready for flying cars. Too many idiots on the road as it is.
To Catherine: Welcome & Thank You. Our Scott needs all the help he can get! 😉
Watching people drive on an icy winter road is the best comparison I can think of for how flying cars would work on a large scale. Unless it has a heavy dose of autopilot.
Hi, Catherine! Welcome! I love the elevator environment, and it’s such a good feeling to read that you’re a fan as well as now working on the project with Scott. It warms my heart to know that you’re a fan, too. Scott, love today’s panel. 🙂
Welcome, Catherine! I’m glad that you were able to come in and help Scott out! It looks amazing! Looking forward to many new models and more of your work!
And where would be the fun of flying if you have to use the autopilot?
Welcome, Catherine! I really like your models and I can’t wait to see more from you.
(cues up “When I Was Your Age” by Weird Al)
Welcome Catherine.
And Scott, you are now officially amongst the old fogies.
Go Catherine!!! (my sister btw) I get more and more proud of her every-day! If she gets any better at the graphical design im going to have to hire her to make a game for me! Catherine Holt for the win!
Thursday’s page is still rendering.
Will post in the morning.
Speaking as one who has written NHS for a number of issues, I too would love to see Ben’s take on Dreamland.
In my day we only had Atari 2600, TRS 80 I, Atari 400/800, 300 Baud modems you connected your phone headset to. I remember when not everyone had touch tone phones. Sony walkmans. I was a kid before computers much less internet. I still remember first getting cable.
I can still remember the transition from punch card to disk.
Your welcome. And the elevator fits in perfect to the original architecture.
Well, it was here by the time I got here this morning… 😛
Welcome, Catherine! It looks amazing! Ilove it!