Amazing Dreamland Cover by Mat Broome…
Well I’m absolutely floored…again.
I received this wonderful painting from Comic legend Mat Broome today.
This will be the cover for issue 6 I think of the Dreamland comic from IDW.
You’ve seen Mat’s work on Batman, Wildcats, and so much more. He’s an enourmous talent and I’m just so flattered he’d take time from his busy schedule to do this piece for me.
Thanks so much Mat!
If you haven’t stopped by your local comic shop to order these issues…you’re missing out on some great collector covers. More to come soon…
It looked great. Some artistic license in there, but love it. I had to look at it three times, something kept bothering me. Her hand with the sword is the wrong way or her arm is wrong. The way it is, you could hit it with a stick and knock it right out of her hand with minimal force. Flip her hand over and it is a dagger style grip and in control.
Wow, superb! I think that there’s nothing wrong with her arm or the sword, except that Nastaja’s weapon is a Bow and lightarrow.
This is beautifull artwork but still, dont use it for a comicbook or anything… I think we all prefere it when you make your own cover.
OMG! Could this be Nastajia’s sword wielding, purple wearing, evil twin sister?
Beautiful work Mat. Can you paint Kiwi next?
It’s funny, Staj isn’t even the MAIN main character, but people like painting her the most lol XD
Stunning work, Mr. Mat Broome!!
He has a funny name (not meant in a bad way at all, just amusing)
Kamatu is correct. It’s a GREAT drawing (I draw stick figures), but the anatomy of her arm is backwards. It’d be physically impossible to be looking at the top of her arm while bent at that angle, and still have your thumb on top.
If you’re going to swing your sword in an arc like that, with your thumb on top as I’m looking at you, I would have to be looking at the inside (bottom) of your arm, with the elbow bent in towards the body.
Try it yourself. With the sword and the hand the way it is, it’s impossible to have your arm in that position. With your arm in that position, it’s impossible to have your hand in that position.
Scott…LOVE your work dude! Keep it up. I have downloaded several of your Wowio books and plan to go to B&N to pick up your book.
umm, just saying that it is possible( at least I think) for Naj to hold her sword like that. It would be uncomforable, but if she’s in a downwards swinging motion (or something like that) she’d only be in that position for a fraction of a second. Look at her hand and arm, and it kind of looks like she’s shaking her fist at you, but she has a sword in her hand. Try making that position if you want so you can see it IS possible.
Well that’s what i think and p.s. LOVE DREAMLAND!
AKira, that just isn’t a cut you can make with any force. It is an awkward as heck position too. If the hand was flipped over (the sword can go either way) then it is a much better cutting position. If the sword was pointing the other way while the hand remains the same, then it would be the beginning of a cut and only uncomfortable for a second because she would be swinging out.
Hej, 1 will come back again. :^) 12dietboost users or any body in Westchester! Does someone know where & when Marley’s smoothie meeting is? 1M noobie!