Hey Everyone…

I just had a nice long 2 and a half hour chat with Wowio president William Lidwell.

I got just about EVERY question I had answered and I must say…I’m feeling much better about things.


One thing I found out is that a lot of rumors and such that go around the web could NOT be rebutted due to the fact that Platinum is a publicly traded company. The red tape and dealing with the SEC makes it impossible to reply to every accusation and rumor.

That being said…while from what I hear of Platinum and their financial situation isn’t giving me a warm fuzzy feeling…what I heard from Will today set my mind at ease. I think this is a good thing for US.

Us being the publishers and their fans.


On to that…

For the last year…you guys who aren’t in the United States have been lamenting that you couldn’t download the animated versions of The Dreamland Chronicles, The Behind the Scenes, The Making of, etc.

Now…EVERYONE can read them. The new Wowio will be open to everyone.

Registration also no longer asks for a credit card or driver’s license. Just your email and a password.

Should be really easy.


Now…I’m not sure how the advertising will work. As you should all know…Wowio’s COOLEST feature (and what made them stand out above everyone else) was that the books were FREE to download. But…in a cool twist…we (the publishers) were paid $.50 for EVERY download.

This meant an incredible amount of money generated by your supporting us simply by registering and downloading our books.

Through your support last year we earned about $40,000 from Wowio. And it didn’t cost any of you a dime. Nothing.

The NEW Wowio will not have this option for every country. And maybe at the beginning not even for every person who wants a free download.

Not until they get more Sponsors.

But the new Wowio has a few new options.

1) there will be free viewing to all on the website. So in your browser you can read any book for free (no registration either).

The downside is…the animated pages (at this time) won’t work. But we’ll see how that eventually pans out.

2) There will be the ability to pay for these books too.

I’m thinking I like them free. And I’m told I can keep them free if I want to.

But maybe I’ll put up special BUNDLES for everyone to download for a couple bucks…if the mood hits them.


Anyways. I have to thank Will for taking the time to answer my questions and getting us into this next phase.

I want to thank all of you readers who supported me and encouraged me to produce the Animated issues and even experiment with the Behind the Scenes and Making of books too.

I was very surprised and flattered to find some teaches even using them in schools as lesson plans and such. Wow.

I’m really excited to be able to finally offer these additional books for all of you who couldn’t get them before. I hope you enjoy them.

Wowio should be ready to go in the next week or so.

I’ll let you know when and what the deal is as I learn more.

Thanks again!
