The Dreamland Store….
So…I havent’ figured out a way to do this yet…so I thought I’d get all of your opinions..
Since IDW will be publishing my books now…I am sending my remaining inventory over to them.
This means that I will no longer have inventory to sell at my store.
Which means…no more personalizations and sketches. No more discounts. No more sales. No more freebies.
So…what to do?
Do I offer one last BLOWOUT before sending the remaining stock to IDW?
Or do I just close up shop now?
I’ll miss doing sketches in the books. that’s for sure.
I’ll also miss the letters from readers telling me who the books are for and who their favorite characters are.
Sigh….good times.
Any thoughts….?
I vote for the blowout sale – Wouldn’t it be nice if you didn’t have an inventory to send to IDW?
hola como estas eres un mogon y culon
Allow us to send books to you to be sketched in, I suppose?
You’d have less, but I’m sure people would.
Hi! I though I should finally post something to you, to thank you of this wonderful comic. I’ve been reading Dreamland Chronicles several months already, but I’ve kept myself quiet and enjoyed the comic. Well, I think I just wanted to say keep up the good work. It’s a really shame that I can’t download this from wowio, since I live in Finland. And for buying books… well, I’m student so I really don’t have much money to spend. So I’ll have to stick with reading this online until I get good job and more money
Well, I think I’ve babbled enough
have great summer and just one more time: You’re doing GREAT job! 
Hmm…I’m not sure what the best course of action would be… =/ It DOES seem a shame that you wouldn’t be able to do sketches–I mean, that makes them sort of unique, y’know?
I can see it cutting into the online sales. Part of the charm of ordering the book or toys online is that they come directly from the creator with nifty sketches. I’m not much interested in ordering anything from IDW mainly because of the nameless faceless nature of big companies. I’d rather support you, the creator, directly.
You can always still have an online store. You buy book from IDW, sketch in it, and send it on to it’s new owner. Also, posters, t-shirts, whathaveyou?
I’ve heard of other authers signing books for a local store and anyone who wanted a “signed copy” would order from there instead of online. Maybe something like that would work.
I like Plate’s idea… that could be a great thing to do.
Er, why? Is it that you simply can’t include a sketch or personalization with the books? Or that as part of the contract you can’t sell your own works on your own without going through them?
If you’re not allowed to sell any printed material relating to TDC in any way, that seems like a bad deal. The personalized sketches are something you couldn’t sell through them anyway.