Well…I finally gave in to Twitter.
What did it? They made a nice app for the Iphone and it’s actually kind of fun to just post mundane things like…
“having dinner with the family”
“playing world of warcraft with wife”
“working on chapter 13”
So…feel free to add me and drop me a hello here and there.
Look for my twitter on the sidebar.
Eww how could you? =P
No offense, but twitter seems like the most unjustifiably pointless thing ever created. I don’t think I could ever find myself getting into something like that; I struggle enough with myspace.
Maybe I’m just old fashioned (not possible, I’m 17), but I just don’t see the attraction in knowing every little mundane (as you admitted yourself) detail about someone’s daily living.
Ok, I’ve had my rant. I hope I didn’t offend anyone.
Anyway, loving the comic to pieces. Can’t wait to see what will happen with the dwarves at their side!
Ugh, no thanks on the Twitter, although I have seen it used in a hilarious manner Twittering multiple fan created adventures. Everybody gets one sentence, so do you say a line or perform an action? It was part silly, part stupid and part brilliant.
About the wife, leave her alone. First I self twinked my toons, then I started loaning guildmates money for their horses, then for other things. Then they started joining up with me when I was piddling to see where that income stream was coming from. Finally, someone that knew me from when the guild was in EQ told them what I was doing. Buy low, sell high. Market raw materials out the yazoo. Eventually corner the market on certain commodities.
Ok, it really is technically impossible to corner the market on something in a game like WoW, but when you can hammer in 5+ pages straight of a product, you are setting the price on that product, since nobody that is trying to pump up a tradeskill has the time to page past your stuff for something that is a couple of coins cheaper.
Oh yeah, then there was the searching for the parts to make iron grenades(IIRC) at a certain price point. Dump them in the mail to the engineer (include mailing costs in the figures), let the engineer check the mail, make the grenades and sell them. Nice little “oopsie” by the devs, on average yield of grenades, you could make a 1gp/stack profit. Not bad for something to do while you waited in town for the rest of the people to get there.
I have nuthin against twittering!
The key to twittering is to NOT following folk who post every little mundane thing that happens in their life, but to follow people who post thoughtful commentary that start interesting conversations. Otherwise you are right, it is a waste of time.
Twitter is a fun little program. It’s like thinking out loud and then other people can respond to it without feeling obligated. I like it because it gives me a little insight to what a lot of my favorite web comics are doing when they’re not creating. I don’t really have any friends with Twitter, so it’s mainly just something for me to post on and read as opposed to a communication device.
I kind of see Twitter as one step before having a web cam in my office.
It’s a bit invasive. But also lets people kind of see the “other side” of me. What’s going on when I’m not commenting on Dreamland.
Also…I’ve found myself following other people’s Twittering and thought..why the heck not?
I don’t know how long I’ll do this. But it didn’t cost anything to try it…

I’ve got nothing for or against twitter, really, but when you put it on the side bar, then it sends out more annoying cookies. Since I don’t use it myself, I don’t want its cookies. If it were a site I hated, I could simply block all cookies from it forever, but I’m not sure I’m ready to go that far. So, instead, I get annoying popups asking me about cookies all the time. Grr…
I’m sorry Xtifr…
I haven’t seen any requests for cookies. And I have my computer set up to ask first.
Is it just one for Twitter? If so…can’t you just block it forever?
Haha, what is your World of Warcraft server? I play too!
Wait… You play World of Warcraft? xD
I don’t have a cool phone that I could twitter with
Heh, really it’s no biggie. It’s just the one, from twitter. And yeah, I could block it forever, but I don’t want to rule out the possibility of using it myself, one of these days.
Cool you have world of warcraft? Whats your character name? what realm are you in?
Paddington and Ashenheart on Sisters of Elune
You guys just started playing, huh. And both male nelfs? Boooo.
I liked the post and your writing style. I’m adding you to my RSS reader.