Happy Valentine’s Day…
Hope you all have a fun day with someone you love.
I thought it would be a nice gift to you all if I made some new desktops specially for Valentine’s day.
So here you go…
They’re at 1920×1200…so shrink em as needed.
Have a great day and thank you for reading.
Oh, thank YOU for reminding me of being single on valentines day*grumblegrumble*…
But a real thank you for the wallpapers, they look good!
*Second on the grumble
Amazingly cute and coincidentally appropriate story pics for this week and today.
Definitely a speed boost to the relationships in this comic. I was thinking you’d take a lot longer to build up the romance. But then again that might explain why I’m still single.;)
All together now: Aawwwww! Aren’t they cute?
I hate to be the one to mess up the party. I’m loving all this mood and relationship between Alexander and Nastajia, but… Isn’t him delaying too long to wake up this night? I mean… It’s good to be sunday, because he will be late to class.
It was just something I think… And I love to see them together.
thanks scott! that’s awesome. i had an idea while checking out the desktops you made us. what if you emailed the books you uploaded to WOWIO if we donate 50 cents a book to you directly through paypal? I realize you want your website to be a bit more professional and probably don’t like the idea that many fantasy webcomics utilize of a donate button – but maybe you could sell them for 50 cents each through the shop? that way those of us abroad could get these versions with the animations and it’s less expensive by far than ordering the books shipped here by mail.
happy valentines day all! kisses from jerusalem
Awwww. Thanks for the walls. They are perfect for today.
Paypal has tremendous fees… if you gave Scott 50 cents, he would probably see 10 cents after transaction fees.
Ah. Now Felicity shows some jealousy… Poor Fliss.
I think spastic’s idea great, and if Paypall is so expensive, as Kristle said, maybe each book is not 50 cents, but 1 dollar? Or another way?
I’d like to download the books, but WOWIO don’t allow (I live in Brazil). I even suggested him that I could research brazilian laws to say if it’s ok WOWIO work for brazilian users, but they gave me no reply. I’d do it for free, only to download Dreamland books.