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Thank you all for helping me out with the wording yesterday. You guys are just so wonderful!
I’m constantly trying to stretch my vocabulary so that my characters don’t sound like “art school educated idiots”….like me.
So thank you for taking an interest.
So it looks like the Bookmark is for real. Check it out!
(look up and to the right of the page)
How cool!
And thank you all who’ve helped out with the Livestream last night.
Thanks to those who joined in the Wiki project.
And thank you to those helping on the Facebook page so I can get Book 4 ready.
I’m so blessed to have such wonderful “fellow Dreamers” by my side.
Thank you and have a wonderful day.
PS. Doesn’t Nicodemus look BAAAAAD today?
Your lighting and shadowing looks great!
Awesome shadowing on Nick’s left wing! The right wing looks a bit strange, making the shadow look more like a knee. I wouldn’t expect such a large vertical bump in it.
By the way, if you didn’t get the comment that I posted right before this page was added to the site, apparently you accidentally overwrote yesterday’s page with today’s page, so I was able to get a sneak peek at it 😛
Probably want to fix that though.
Sorry to be such a whiner Scott, but yesterday you said that on your Facebook page, I could find the discussions the following way: Wall, Info, Photos, Discussions.
When I look at your Facebook page, I see Wall, Info, Photos, Links, Texas Holdem, Notes, Events, Wishlist, Video. No discussions.
Looks great, but it’s the same page as yesterday’s.
JakesDad – if you click on the image in yesterday’s newspost, it’ll take you to the facebook page for Dreamland, which has the discussion tab. You won’t find it on Scott’s actual page.
I think you are looking at his profile page. You might want to look at the group he made for The Dreamland Chronicles.
It appears that yesterday’s page was accidentally overwritten, as I stated above. Soon you shall see what it actually was yesterday.
Um… Today’s and yesterday’s pages are the same…
Eeeep….Alex, now would be the time to put your training into practice.
Love the page today. the lighting and colors are great. it really has that vibrant dreamlike look to it.
I really like the lighting on Nastajia on the first panel. I’d love to see a higher resolution version of it.
Good catch. It seems the file 2010-02-23.jpg, has been overwritten with a copy of 2010-02-24.jpg. Yesterday’s page was the one with “Blasted Elf!”
There is one thing that could improve on the bookmark.
Once it is set, i can not “reset” it on a new page, only click on it to go to the bookmark and then go back to set it
that is because you need to be on the Official DreamLand facebook group.
As SparcMan pointed out, today’s page has overwritten yesterday’s page and not the other way around.
RUUUN! Dragon on rampage!
oh, allow me to rectify an error…
RUUUN! Pissed off Dragon on rampage!
err i have to say something stupid.. but
as we know from Orion that he was trying to bait alex and stopped him from attacking, but would showing the amulet and knowing that it was the link to tracking the tablets,
Wouldn’t that actually be the same as baiting her since she shot a light arrow and since it broke the amulet,,,
he would’ve have been able to deduce the trajectory of the arrow and knowing how upset nat is and now is able to concentrate on her voice to do a long range attack such as a fire ball attacking{besides being able to smell them from there scents to know there in the area
Cue the cavalry?
Thank’s Arvamas! Now that I’m a member of “Dreamland Chronicles,” I can now see and participate in discussions.
It might be that the shadow on the right is being cast by his lower palm, thus the “knee” might actually be the crook of his little finger. The flame seems to be much closer to that hand, which would create a much larger shadow image than on the left.
Thanks guys.
Looks like WordPress got confused.
It’s fixed now.
eep! eek! RUN!!!
Thanks for letting me know about the wordpress hiccup.
I fixed the overwritten page from yesterday.
Much appreciated.
looks like the POOP is fixin’ to hit the FAN !!!
Somewhat true. Indeed, dangling the amulet in front of them while ranting on about old kings and disobedience and the like seems to be an attempt to bait them. However, I would think Nicodemus assumes that they need the amulet as much he does (maybe more) and therefore expects them to try and take it. At which point he’d counter with something along the lines of what you described.
Them destroying the ‘only’ key to finding the other tablets was not a part of the plan
I assume tomorrow’s page is when Nick attacks, but in past events, I noticed he likes to talk with his victims before smacking them around, perhaps this is no different. I also think that Nick wants to take out the whole group but Alex is preferable to being the first to go being human, and his wish will be granted because however Nick chooses to attack, I can’t see Alex holding back or being restrained anymore. It’s always been a guess of mine that whenever Nick decides to attack, perhaps with fire, Alex rushes out to meet it but wakes up just before he’s engulfed in flame.
I assume that “Meddle Not In The Affairs Of Dragons For You Are Crunchy
And Taste Good With Ketchup” applied to humans, so how would an elf, a fairy, and a cat girl taste and what condiment goes good with them?
Nicodemus is looking frightfully awesome this morning!! It was great to watch the page come together last night! I always have such fun watching. Poor Scott, my hubby, kept asking me “why are you giggling?” 😛
If he’s confident that he can take on every dissenter, then why bother feigning legitimacy? My guess is laziness: He’d rather not fight when alternatives are open. Either that or he doesn’t dig scars.
Exactly. He was trying to get them out. But wasn’t expecting that move.
Yes, indeedy, Nick looks awesome. But the second pane on this page is actually my favorite here; the long distance shot showing Nick and Staj and the distance between them is extremely well constructed, IMHO. The lighting there is incredible, and wholly carp that was one HECK of a shot Nastajia made! I’d be proud of simply pulling a bow that could shoot an arrow (light or otherwise) that far, let alone hitting a bullseye-sized target with it …
Don’t forget to VOTE, everyone!
(Oh, and yes; I misspelled “wholly carp” deliberately up there; this was meant partially as a reminder to everyone that we know there’s at least one 10-year-old that reads and contributes to the comments, so we need to continue tempering our language … )
(Relatively) long-time reader, first-time commenter. I have to say that I love the series so far.
But…looking at the second panel, it looks a bit far for that light to be thrown from Nicodemus.
Also (and this is just my opinion), it might look better if they were closer together to take advantage of the vast differences in size between them.
Love the series so far, and I can’t wait to read more!
OK, Nico, well, nothing will keep you from killing some of those who resist your rule. But, the question is how many are you willing and able to slaughter? As you get more violent, there will be more people pushed to resist, whether because they lost someone they loved (Nastajia), or because it’s the right thing to do (Alex? Kiwi? Paddington?), or because they are afraid they might be next to feel your injustice, or because you betrayed their trust and forced them to act for you (Felicity) or because….
That is always the end of tyranny: when the people no longer accept it.
YIKES! Time to say Prayers and pass the dragonhide shield PLEASE!
What bugs me about that scene is that there are flames all around Nic casting light upon him from all sorts of different directions, yet the shadows on his wings seem to be coming from a single point source almost directly beneath him, catching his right hand and left knee to cast their shadows on his wings. I’m also not clear on where the light is coming from that Nastajia stepped into. It doesn’t seem to be the fire, since nothing else in the vicinity is being lit by it. Maybe it’s the firelight reflecting off Nic’s wings? Maybe his wings are acting like a parabolic dish to focus the firelight on the spot he’s facing. Or maybe it’s his shiny golden chest that’s reflecting the firelight onto Nastajia.
Don’t forget, Alex’s armor can project a magical shield to protect him when needed. It’s saved him from Nic’s fiery wrath before.
Interesting question! I’m not sure what any of them taste like, but as for appropriate condiments… For Kiwi I’d say a twist of lemon. I’m going with mustard for Felicity. For Nastajia, I don’t know. Not sure what goes good with elf. Would have to be something classy though. Barbecue sauce? XD Let’s not forget Orion is there too! Horsey sauce for him! As for Paddington, there probably isn’t anything that’d make him palatable. Where is the big guy anyway?
Wow. You know the lighting work is fantastic when the Big Bad stands up and threatens, and through lighting alone it looks like his eyes have that blazing-red effect going on. The shadows thrown on his wings just add to it.
Further comments on lighting – the second panel almost has a religious vibe, it’s that epic.
Hell, on the heels of that – Scott, what are the chances of getting that second panel in a wallpaper? Given the imagery you’ve got going on here – Nastajia, princess/queen of her people in Dreamland, standing illuminated while challenging Nicodemus, self-styled emperor and a dragon with all the (typically unpleasant) mythological connotations that has, and lit by flames, and the space between them….
…well, I just think it’d be an awesome stand-alone image.
“The more you tighten your grip, the more star systems will slip through your fingers.” Star Wars, ftw! 😉
I concur. Wallpaper is in order. New voting incentive, anyone?
I know of at least two children who read this- Scott’s kids.
There’s also the bit that they may not need the amulet – remember Arvamas knew about the one at Ashendel, and they were able to find the Mer peoples tablet without the amulet. Unless Nicodemus had saved the Centaur tablets for last, there may still be others out there to find, and people who know about them. And now that Nicodemus has gone so openly on the offensive, cooperation may be easier to come by.
I’m still worried about the damage Nicodemus has done so far though. From his point of view, he not only needs to destroy the tablets, he also has to ‘take care’ of anyone with the ability to read them.
Great lighting in this scene, very dramatic. I may be betraying my age, but it calls to mind something similar in the original Disney version of Fantasia, from the Night on Bald Mountain.
Take a look at about 27 seconds in – the only thing missing is flame.
Second panel seems to indicate that Staj is casting her own light, somehow. At least, that’s kind of the effect I get from it….
And cue the flame at about 2:40!
We’re doing better! Currently, voting is about once every 17 minutes, as opposed to earlier in the month it being once every 40 minutes!
I always hate to suggest more work for Scott than the incredible load he already manages, but I could really get behind this idea!
So count me among those that would love panel 2 as a wallpaper and/or vote incentive.
Nicodemus is really ripped today. All that fire-breathing must give him a fast metabolism.
What I don’t get is how come Orion doesn’t want Alex to do anything, but does nothing to stop Nastija?
The lighting is superb! The third panel is great but I also like the second panel just as much. Seeing the space between them and the size difference is a great perspective shot. What will happen next? I can’t wait!
Alex would just rush in but Nastajia would be cool and collected. That’s why Orion held Alex back and the plan worked (so far).
I took it as creative license on Scott’s part. Way back when, he used to be really intense about making sure that lighting was appropriate to the situation. Recently he’s been trying to use it to further to action, plot, and characterization. His comment about Lord of the Rings comes to mind, as with many television shows. A lot of them use lighting creatively as well, to great effect.
I stumbled upon this web comic a few days back… and I have poured thru the back story up until this point marveling at how well it is done.. so Kudo’s to your labor of love for the appreciating fans. keep up the great work!!!
Maybe Nastajia (and her companions) are distracting Nicodemus while Paddington climbs down the cliff, across the bottom of the gorge, and up the column so he can take Nicodemus unawares. It’s possible? Nahhhh.
This is an amasing story, top o th’ line, in me lingo. Whereas i do love your artwork so far, Nicodemus in that last frame …. wow. Lovely, simply Lovely
He asked Nastaija to do that. Alex wouldn’t have gone for the medallion, and would have gotten others hurt, She can get a perfect shot and everyone can still run.
Sure it’s been said already: Last panel needs to be a wallpaper. Holy awesome
Nick does indeed look badass
out of curiosity, where is your voting button?
And here I was, starting to think Nicodemus was ignoring one of the cardinal rules of the Evil Overlord: Kill your enemies while you have the chance!
Though he did fail at another rule: Kill first, monologue later!
I wonder this same thing everyday 🙁
I don’t keep it up there permanently.
Only a handful of people used it.
I’m thinking more like Rafiki’s “It is time.” =P
Or, “Remember your training.”
I believe that Dumbledore tells Harry that tyrants always create there own rebellions by just being a tyrant and as such fears the people he/she (most often by conquer) rules over.
Me four.
Actually, if I recall correctly, now that Alex has regained the power of flight, all of his companions – Paddington included – can now fly as well, while in his company.
We “handful” usually share the responsibility of making sure this link gets into the comments every day. Feel free to join us and VOTE! We don’t have cookies yet, but we’re in negotiations with the Dark Side to get some …
(P.S. Welcome, new Dreamers MaXX and ICEKAT!)